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The Healthy Kansas City Podcast, Episode 15


Episode 15 of the Healthy Kansas City Podcast is here! ⁠ Serial-entrepreneur and business owner Dawn Rattan of @everfitkc joins us to talk about her gym, the awesome community she's built, and how she's grown to love push-ups, plyometrics, and burpees⁠ while at the same time playing the long game to maintain her health and fitness for a lifetime. and @thegaragegympt talk with Dawn about how the experiences she had at globo-gyms shaped her vision for creating a space for people to come and be cared for with individual attention versus a cookie-cutter approach that only helps a sliver of the gym members. If you're looking for a quality gym in the KC area, or you're trying to figure out how to get your family on board with fitness, this pod is for you. And if you mention this podcast when you stop by EverFit you'll receive your introductory classes for free! Give us a listen, subscribe, and feel free to leave us a 5-Star review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (for you #itunes listeners out there) so other folks can find our show!⁠


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